
Photo by Walkator / Unsplash
Obligatory legal warning. These links go to other websites, the contents of which I am not responsible for. Travel at your own risk.

The personal:

  • GitHub; mostly used for work, so not much of my stuff is public.
  • X/Twitter; a hellscape where I keep an account mostly for stalking others.
  • Instagram; the epitome of 'compare and despair', but you're always welcome to stop by.

The professional:

  • "MOONS – Multi object spectroscopy for the VLT: testing and integration of the MOONS metrology system," Proc. SPIE 13100, Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation VI, 131000S (26 August 2024);
    A paper, almost entirely the work of people infinitely more capable than I, but on which I am generously named as a co-author.